01 Digitales Design GmbH 应用

Alltags- Entspannung lite 1.0.0
Alltags- Entspannung Lite - Ruhe und Erholungfür die SeeleDer kostenlose Einstieg in die Alltagsentspannung.Erfahren Sie mehr über Entspannungsmethoden. Gönnen Sie sicheine Pause zwischendurch mit dem enthaltenen Audiotraining(08:23).Claudia von Lienen bietet Endspannung mit Stimme zu vielen weiterenBereichen an, z.B. entspannen, Autogenes Training, meditation,Stress Therapie, Entspannungsübungen, Fantasiereisen, etc.Everyday relaxation Lite- rest and relaxation for the soulThe free entry into the everyday relaxation.Learn more about relaxation methods. Give yourself a break inbetween with the included Audio Training (08:23).Claudia von Lengerich provides end voltage with voice to many otherareas of, for example, relax, autogenic training, meditation,stress therapy, relaxation exercises, imaginary journeys, etc.
Aaron's Kids Farm Animals 1.0
Aaron's Kids Farm AnimalsAaron’s Farm Animal Puzzles for Kids is a free game for youngchildren and kids aged 2-6. Make friends with the scarecrow, countthe baby chickens and piglets, and meet the whole barnyard familyin fifteen different farm animal puzzles. Aaron’s Free Farm AnimalPuzzle for Kids lets you adjust the level difficulty setting, sokids can keep playing as they grow!These free educational farm animal games not only provideentertainment, but also train kids in the ability to focus,including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Farm Animal Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Farm Animal Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of farm animal puzzle pieces to match yourchild’s ability.- Easily switch to the next farm animal puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music, farm sounds, and animalsounds can be adjusted independently, making these puzzles greatfor travel or as a free kids game for long car rides!Aaron’s Free Farm Animal Puzzle for Kids covers everything from thetractor, hay bale, doghouse, and garden to the rooster, cat, dog,piglet, sheep, and baby animals. Let your kids be the heroes oftheir own farm!
Alltags- Entspannung 2 1.0.0
Alltags- Entspannung 2 mit Stimme (AutogenesTraining, Progressive Muskelentspannung, Atem Entspannung,Fantasiereisen)In dieser App befinden sich 5 Entspannungsübungen. Sie haben dieMöglichkeit zwischen verschiedenen Techniken zu wählen.Enthalten sind folgende Audio-Übungen:Muskelentspannung (23:45)Fantasiereise Strand (10:35)Fantasiereise Lieblingsort (07:59)Autogenes Training (22:17)Atementspannung (15:11)Gönnen Sie sich etwas Gutes und lassen Sie Ihren Körper undGeist zur Ruhe kommen, denn mit entspanntem Körper und Geistgelingt vieles einfacher.------Als gratis Einstieg empfehle ich Ihnen meine Enspannungs App mitStimme - "Alltags- Entspannung Lite"Everyday relaxation with2 vote (autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation,breathing relaxation, fantasy journeys)In this app there are 5 relaxation exercises. You have thepossibility to choose between different techniques.It contains the following audio exercises:Muscle relaxation (23:45)Fantasy Travel beach (10:35)Fantasy Travel favorite (07:59)Autogenic Training (22:17)Breathing Relaxation (15:11)Treat yourself to something good, and let your body and mind torest, because with a relaxed body and mind succeed much easier.------As a free entry, I recommend you my Enspannungs app with voice -"everyday relaxation Lite"
Aaron's Forest Animals Puzzle 1.0
Aaron’s Friendly Forest Animals Puzzle forToddlers and Kids is a free game for toddlers and children 2-6. Putthe pieces together to create woodland creatures like foxes, fawns,owls, bears, voles, fieldmice, chipmunks, squirrels, deer,raccoons, and more! Aaron’s Friendly Forest Puzzle for Kids letsyou adjust the level difficulty setting, so kids can keep playingas they grow!This free educational animal puzzle game not only providesentertainment, but also trains kids in the ability to focus,including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of animal puzzle pieces to match yourchild’s ability.- Easily switch to the next animal puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music and forest sounds can beadjusted independently, making these animal puzzles great fortravel or as a free kids game for long car rides!If you like Aaron’s Friendly Forest Animal Puzzles for Toddlersand Kids, you may also enjoy these additional free games fortoddlers and kids:-Aaron’s Kids Dinosaur Puzzle-Aaron’s Construction Vehicles Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Bath Time Game-Aaron’s Sleep Well for Kids Puzzle-Aaron’s Wild Animals Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Underwater Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Tiny Robots Puzzle-Aaron’s Cars and Trucks Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Dragon Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Playground Puzzle-Aaron’s Silly Circus Puzzle-Aaron’s Farm Animals Puzzle for Kids-Aaron’s Farm Animals Puzzle for Toddlers…And many more!Aaron’s Friendly Forest Puzzle for Kids bring enchanted woodlandcreatures in the scenic pines and lawns of the forest! Animalsinclude bears, deer, owls, squirrels, beavers, moles, raccoons,chipmunks, and more!Aarons forest animals puzzle app is the ultimate free and easyanimal puzzles for toddlers and kids preschool. With wild and cutecartoon animal pictures of cute foxes, fawns, owls, bears, voles,fieldmice, chipmunks, squirrels, deer, raccoons, and more!
Aaron’s Kids Playground Puzzle 1.0
Aaron’s Kids Playground Puzzle is a free gamefor toddlers and children 2-6. Whether you like to swing on themonkey bars, whizz down the slide, or build a castle in thesandbox, this is recess at its best! Aaron’s Kids Playground Puzzlelets you adjust the level difficulty setting, so kids can keepplaying as they grow!This free learning puzzle game not only provides entertainment,but also trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of puzzle pieces to match your child’sability.- Easily switch to the next puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music and playground sound effectscan be adjusted independently, making this puzzle great for travelor as a free kids game for long car rides!
Autogenic Training and PMR 2 1.0.0
Autogenic Training and Progressive MuscleRelaxation 2 - Guided Rest and Meditation TechniquesThis App contains 5 relaxation guides. There are differenttechniques to relax and all them have the intention to become morefocused on your body, feel energized and stabilized in your day today life. It is worth practising these relaxation as often aspossible. Autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation aswell as breathing relaxations and a dreamscape relaxation are partof this app.Enjoy it and take your time to relax your body and mind tobecome more powerful and relaxed.+ Muscle Tension and Breathing (08:33) Wonderful relaxingfeeling+ Lightmeditation (06:39) Enjoy the warmth+ Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) short (06:17) Relaxing yourmuscles+ Relaxation for both halves of your body (13:28) Awareness to yourbody+ Autogenic Training - short (08:33) Wonderful relaxation
Alltags-Entspannung mit Stimme 1.0.0
Alltags- Entspannung mit Stimme (relaxÜbungen, autogenes training)In dieser App befinden sich 5 Audio- Entspannungsanleitungen fürmehr Ruhe und Entspannung im Alltag.Dadurch, dass die Übungen nur zwischen ca. 5 und 10 Minutendauern, sind sie wunderbar zwischendurch durchführbar oder alsStart in den Tag oder Abschluss des Tages geeignet.Tun Sie sich etwas Gutes, nehmen Sie sich ein wenig Zeit fürsich, denn mit entspanntem Körper und Geist gelingt vieleseinfacher.Enthalten sind folgende Audio-Übungen:- Entspannung am Morgen (05:08)- Atem-Entspannung (10:26)- Pausen-Entspannung (08:00)- Energie-Farben-Entspannung (08:40)- Entspannung am Abend (06:56)Everyday relaxation withvoice (relax exercises, autogenous training)In this app there are 5 audio relaxation instructions for morerest and relaxation in everyday life.The fact that the exercises take only between approximately 5and 10 minutes, they are wonderfully suited in between feasible oras a way to start the day or end of the day.Do something good for yourself, take a little time forthemselves, because with a relaxed body and mind succeed mucheasier.It contains the following audio exercises:- Relaxation in the morning (5:08)- Breath-relaxation (10:26)- Pause relaxation (8:00)- Energy Color relaxation (8:40)- Relaxing in the evening (6:56)
Fantasiereisen zur Entspannung 1.0.0
Fantasiereisen - Wege zur EntspannungDiese 5 Fantasiereisen ermöglichen es Ihnen auch im Alltag anschöne Orte Ihrer Wahl zu reisen, z.B. an den Strand, in denSchnee, an Ihren Lieblingswort ...Mit Hilfe Ihrer Vorstellungskraft ist es möglich diese Orte realwerden zu lassen, und sie mit allen Sinnen zu geniessen.Ermöglichen Sie sich eine kleine Reise, einen kleinen Urlaubjeden Tag und Sie werden merken wie wunderbar gut dies tut.Viel Spass!Enthalten sind folgende entspannende Fantasiereisen mitStimme:Fantasiereise Jahreszeitenbaum (14:03)Fantasiereise Südseeinsel (12:12)Fantasiereise Winterabend (12:12)Fantasiereise Strand (10:35)Fantasiereise Lieblingsort (07:59)Fantasy Travel - way torelaxThis 5 fantasy journeys allow you to travel to beautiful placesof your choice in everyday life, for example, to the beach, in thesnow, your favorite word ...Using your imagination, it is possible to make real theseplaces, and to enjoy with all senses.Allow yourself a little travel, a little vacation every day andyou will notice how wonderful this feels good.Have fun!It contains the following relaxing fantasy trips with voice:Fantasy travel season tree (14:03)Fantasy Travel South Sea Island (12:12)Fantasy Travel Winter evening (12:12)Fantasy beach trip (10:35)Fantasy travel favorite (07:59)
Aaron's Kids Playtime Puzzle 1.0
Aaron’s Kids Playtime PuzzleAaron’s Kids Playtime Puzzle is a free game for toddlers andchildren 2-6. Meet friendly kids and their favorite toys as youassemble dancing bears, wooden horses, magic castles, cities ofblocks, rocket ships, storybooks, and more! Aaron’s Tots ‘n’ ToysPuzzle for Kids lets you adjust the level difficulty setting, sokids can keep playing as they grow!This free playtime learning puzzle game not only providesentertainment, but also trains kids in the ability to focus,including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordination- stimulates imaginationSettings:- Playtime Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Playtime Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of playtime puzzle pieces to match yourchild’s ability.- Easily switch to the next playtime puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music and sound effects can beadjusted independently, making this puzzle great for travel or as afree kids game for long car rides!Aaron’s Free Playtime Puzzle for Toddlers and Kids will let yourkids take their entire collection of toys with them on a longtrip—and all you need to pack is your Android!
Aarons Kids Cute Puppy Puzzles 1.0
Aaron's Cute Puppy Puzzles for Toddlers andKids PuzzlesThese free cute puppy puzzles for toddlers contain 15 youngpuppy and sweet little dog cartoon pictures that invite kids toplay.The number of pieces on each dog and puppy puzzle is adjustable.The difficulty can be adjusted by additional rotation of the puzzlepieces to the child's age. Thus, the dog and puppy game is suitablefor children aged 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 years.Aaron's cute puppy kids puzzle games offer a simple andintuitive interface for easy use and easy games. These puppypuzzles were designed specifically for toddlers and youngchildren.Aaron's cute dogs and puppy puzzle games belong to Aaron's KidsGames, a group of free educational games to promote concentrationand fine motor skills.Come and say hello to the cute puppies and all other sweet dogs!Whether terriers, retrievers, spaniels, labradors, or mutts, thesefunny dogs are ready to play!If you like Aaron’s Free Cute Puppy Puzzles for Toddlers andKids, you may also enjoy these additional free puzzle games fortoddlers and kids:-Aaron’s Kids Dinosaur Puzzle-Aaron’s Construction Vehicles Puzzle-Aaron’s Sleep Well for Kids Puzzle-Aaron’s Wild Animals Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Underwater Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Tiny Robots Puzzle-Aaron’s Cars and Trucks Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Dragon Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Playground Puzzle-Aaron’s Silly Circus Puzzle-Aaron’s Farm Animals Puzzle for Kids-Aaron’s Farm Animals Puzzle for Toddlers…And many more!The Aaron's cute dogs and puppy puzzles for toddlers free HDpuzzle was developed for Android tablets.
1st Games Kids Counting Game 1.1
1st Games Counting Game for Kids!In this game, kids can count up to quantities of ten. Learnaddition and numbers while having fun! By adding groups numbers upto ten, kids create puzzles, practice counting, and enjoy creatingbeautiful pictures. There are 25 fun counting puzzles to choosefrom!This counting game for kids is ideal for preschool andkindergarten, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each counting game teaches numbers with cute animals such asbirds, mice, lions, monkeys, hamsters, flamingos, and more, gamepieces such as dice, or even the old-school fun of writing on achalk board!Not only are these counting games for kids fun and educational,they are also parent and kid friendly:+ Each puzzle is HD.+ Each puzzle is Ad-Free, NO ADs at all!+ There are NO links to other products or websites in theapp.+ And there are NO in-app-purchases possible.These addition and counting games for kids help improve hand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting small goals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them. Kids learnabout numbers while they play!Help give kids a head start on numbers, counting, and matchingshapes! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and children ofall ages to use, 1st Games Counting Game for Kids teaches kidsabout numbers and shapes with cute animals and fun music and soundeffects!Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aarons's cute ponies puzzle 1.0
A cute ponies -themed puzzle game for children of age between 2 - 7years.- Every puzzle can be played at two difficulty levelsLevel 1 = for younger childrenLevel 2 = for older children, the pieces have to be rotatedcorrectly- Retina high res supportThis puzzle-game not only provides entertainment and fun, butalso stimulates patience and the ability to focus includingcognitive abilities, recognition of shapes as well as eye-handcoordination.Depending on age choosing the proper count of pieces isimportant so the puzzle is not too hard or not getting boring toofast. For this reason Aaron's puzzles have two difficultylevels.You can switch the motives of the puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.Settings:- select the difficulty levelSettings- Choose the difficulty level- The volume of background music and sounds can be adjustedindependently so parent don't have to suffer too much ;-)Aaron's puzzle belongs to the group of learning games to enhanceyour child's ability to concentrate and it's fine motor skills########################Keywords:games,pony,horses,little,pet,my,farm,world,girls,pretty,ride,riding,kids,children,baby,puzzles,ponys
Aaron's kids foals and horses 1.0
Cute foals, ponies and horses are the motivesof this children's puzzles. Come and play in this pretty pony landfor toddlers and kids.The free kids ponies and horses puzzle offers a simple andintuitive interface for easy use and easy games. The pets game wasdeveloped specifically for toddlers and young kids.Aaron's foals and horses for toddlers puzzle game was developedfor Andoid tablets.Cute ponys for young kids.
1st Games Kids Wild Animals 1.0
1st Games Kids Wild Animals!In this ad-free game, kids can discover wild animals. Play withtigers, elephants, monkeys, zebras, penguins, frogs, and more!Young kids can enjoy assembling wild animal and safari puzzleswithout the danger of clicking on ads or in-app purchases. Thereare 25 fun wild animal puzzles to choose from!This kids wild animals game is ideal for preschool andkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each wild animal game has two levels with 4 and 9 pieces to bematched to show a cute wild animal picture.Not only are these wild animal fun and educational, they arealso parent and kid friendly:+ Each animal puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and matching games for kids help improve hand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting small goals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them. Kids learnwhile they play!1st Games help give kids a head start on shapes, counting, andnumbers! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and children ofall ages to use,
Aaron's Kids Airplane Puzzles 1.0
Aaron’s Kids Airplane Puzzle is a free gamefor toddlers and children 2-6. Even more than just airplanes, yourchild will have fun and learn about aviation as he or she assembleshelicopters, zeppelins, airships, blimps, and balloons. Aaron’sKids Airplane Puzzle lets you adjust the level difficulty setting,so kids can keep playing as they grow!This free learning puzzle game not only provides entertainment,but also trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of puzzle pieces to match your child’sability.- Easily switch to the next puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music and airplane sounds can beadjusted independently, making this puzzle great for travel or as afree kids game for plane rides!Aaron’s Kids Airplane Puzzle will take your child through theaeronautical history and let them be the pilot as he or she putsthe puzzle pieces together. Pick your favorite aircraft andfly!
Aaron's Kids Honey Bear Puzzle 1.0
Aaron's Kids Honey Bear PuzzleThis free kids puzzle is all about honey bees and honey bears.Whether baby bears or busy bees, they're all after the honey! Thepuzzles follow the bees, as they pollinate the flowers to makehoney, to the hungry bear cubs of the forest!This free honey bear game is one in the series of Aaron's KidsGames, with many childrens puzzle games already published. Thisfree honey bee kids education game not only provides entertainment,but also trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationFeatures:+ Easy and suitable for children to use+ Puzzles are always arranged randomly+ Matching sounds add to the fun for children (bear sounds, buzzingbees, cute animal sounds.)+ 15 free honey bear and honey bee puzzles are included in the app(visiting flowers, getting sticky in the honey pot, buzzing aroundthe beehive, cuddly bears, and more!)+ No in-app purchases possible! Child safe!+ Different puzzle difficulty levels for toddlers and kids,adjustable to the age of your child.+Suitable for ages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
1st Games Kids Puppy Puzzles 1.1
1st Games Kids Puppy PuzzlesIn this ad-free game, kids can play with cute puppy and dogpuzzles. Play with adorable puppies and have fun! Young kids canenjoy assembling puppy puzzles without the danger of clicking onads or in-app purchases. There are 25 fun puppy puzzles to choosefrom!These kids puppy puzzles is ideal for preschool andkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each puppy puzzle has two levels with 4 and 9 pieces to bematched to show a cute puppy or dog picture.Not only are these puppy puzzles fun and educational, they arealso parent and kid friendly:+ Each puppy and dog puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and matching games for kids help improve hand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting small goals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them. Kids learnwhile they play!1st Games help give kids a head start on shapes, counting, andnumbers! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and children ofall ages to use, 1st Games Kids Puppy Puzzles teach with cute puppypictures, fun music and dog sound effects!
1st Games Pet Animals for Kids 1.0
1st Games Pet Animals for Kids!In this ad-free game, kids can play with cute pet animalpuzzles. Play with adorable domestic animals and have fun! Youngkids can enjoy assembling domestic animal puzzles without thedanger of clicking on ads or in-app purchases. There are 25 fun petpuzzles to choose from, including hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils,birds, puppies, kittens, bunnies, rabbits, cats, dogs, andmore!This kids pet animal game is ideal for preschool andkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each pet animal game has 9 pieces to be matched to show a cutedomestic animal picture.Not only are these pet animal games fun and educational, theyare also parent and kid friendly:+ Each domestic animal puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and matching games for kids help improve hand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting small goals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them. Kids learnwhile they play!1st Games help give kids a head start on shapes, counting, andnumbers! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and children ofall ages to use, 1st Games Pet Animals for kids teach with cutehamsters, gerbils, puppies, dogs, kittens, etc. fun music and petanimal sounds!
Aaron's Animal Puzzle for Kids 1.0
Aaron’s Animal Puzzle for Kids is a free gamefor toddlers and children 2-6.Take a trip through the animal kingdom with cute and exoticanimals in a variety of educational puzzles with animal sounds. Theanimal world is full of baby animals, including baby giraffes, babyrhinoceros, baby bunnies, puppies, and even a baby mouse. Aaron’sAnimal Puzzle for Kids lets you adjust the level difficultysetting, so kids can keep playing as they grow!This free animal puzzle game not only provides entertainment,but also trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Animal Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Animal Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of animal puzzle pieces to match yourchild’s ability.- Easily switch to the next animal puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music and animal sounds can beadjusted independently, making this puzzle great for travel or as afree kids game for long car rides!Aaron’s Free Animal Puzzle for Kids and Toddlers will take yourchild through the animal kingdom with educational games andactivities along the way!
Aaron's Silly Circus Puzzle 1.0
Aaron’s Silly Circus PuzzleAaron’s Silly Circus Puzzle for kids is a free game for toddlersand children 2-6. Run away and join the circus with wild animals,friendly clowns, a mysterious magician, and incredible acrobaticsin this learning game for kids! Aaron’s Silly Circus Puzzle letsyou adjust the level difficulty setting, so kids can keep playingas they grow!This free learning puzzle game not only provides entertainment,but also trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of puzzle pieces to match your child’sability.- Easily switch to the next puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background circus music and funny circus soundeffects can be adjusted independently, making this puzzle great fortravel or as a free kids game for long car rides!Aaron’s Free Circus Game for Toddlers and Kids is a circus game foreducational activities and learning through fun at the circus game.Enjoy!
Aarons Car Puzzle for Toddlers 1.0
Aaron’s Car Puzzle for Toddlers and Kids is afree game for toddlers and children 2-6. Buckle up and build a carworld of mini cars driven by people and animals! Aaron’s Car Puzzlefor Toddlers and Kids lets you adjust the level difficulty setting,so kids can keep playing as they grow!This free learning puzzle game not only provides entertainment,but also trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of puzzle pieces to match your child’sability.- Easily switch to the next puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music and car sounds can be adjustedindependently, making this puzzle great for travel or as a freekids game for long car rides!Aaron’s Car Puzzle for Toddlers and Kids lets kids assemble carsand enjoy car sounds as they play. Your toddler can be the championof his or her own world of mini cars with these assorted carpuzzles!
Aaron's little monster 4 kids 1.0
Aaron's cute little monster puzzle game 4 kidsand toddlers.Funny monsters and fantasy animals are the puzzle games in thisfree app for kids and toddlers.The number of pieces is adjustable. The difficulty can beadjusted by additional rotation of the puzzle pieces to the child'sage . Thus, the game is suitable for children aged 2, 3 , 4, 5 or 6years.Aaron's little monster puzzle game for kids and toddlers offer asimple and highly intuitive interface for easy use. The puzzle wasdesigned specifically for toddlers and young children.Aaron's cute monster puzzle game belong to the group ofeducational games to promote concentration and fine motorskills.The Aaron's cute little monster puzzles for kids was developedfor Andoid tablets.Features:+ Easy and suitable for children play+ puzzles are always arranged randomly+ high fun for children by matching sounds+ 15 free funny monster pets puzzles for kids are included+ No in-app purchases possible!+ Different difficulty levels for toddlers and babiesadjustable+ high quality cartoons
Aaron’s Kids Dinosaur Puzzle 1.0
Aaron’s Kids Dinosaur Puzzle is a free gamefor toddlers and children 2-6 years old. Complete with dinosaursounds and friendly cavemen and mammoth. Aaron’s Dinosaur Puzzlelets you adjust the level difficulty setting, so kids can keepplaying as they grow! This learning game not only provides entertainment, but also trainsthe ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordination Settings:- Level 1 = for younger children- Level 2 = for older children Additional Settings:- Customize the number of pieces to match your child’sability.- Easily switch to the next image puzzle games by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of background music and sounds can be adjustedindependently, making this puzzle great for travel or long carrides!- designed for Android tablets. 
Aaron's tiny robots puzzles 1.0
Aaron's tiny robots puzzles for kids is a cuteroboter -themed puzzle game for children of age between 2 - 7years.The robots puzzles are supported by sound. This kids gamecontains no scenes of violence and is also suitable for smallchildren.- Every robots puzzle can be played at two difficulty levelsLevel 1 = for younger childrenLevel 2 = for older children, the pieces have to be rotatedcorrectlyThis robots puzzle-game not only provides entertainment and fun,but also stimulates patience and the ability to focus includingcognitive abilities, recognition of shapes as well as eye-handcoordination.Depending on age choosing the proper count of pieces isimportant so the puzzle is not too hard or not getting boring toofast. For this reason Aaron's puzzles have two difficultylevels.You can switch the motives of the puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.Settings:- select the difficulty levelsettings- Choose the difficulty level- The volume of background music and sounds can be adjustedindependently so parent don't have to suffer too much ;-)Aaron's tiny robots puzzle for kids belongs to the group oflearning games to enhance your child's ability to concentrate andit's fine motor skills.
1st Games Kids Farm Animals 1.1
1st Games Kids Farm Animals PuzzlesIn this ad-free game, kids can play with cute farm animalpuzzles. Play with adorable farm animals and have fun! Young kidscan enjoy assembling farm animal puzzles without the danger ofclicking on ads or in-app purchases. There are 25 fun farm animalpuzzles to choose from!This kids farm animal puzzle is ideal for preschool andkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each farm animal puzzle has 9 pieces to be matched to show acute farm animal picture.Not only are these farm animal puzzles fun and educational, theyare also parent and kid friendly:+ Each farm animal puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and matching games for kids help improve hand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting small goals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them. Kids learnwhile they play!1st Games help give kids a head start on shapes, counting, andnumbers! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and children ofall ages to use, 1st Games Kids Farm Animal Puzzles teach with cutepigs, horses, foals, ducks and bunny pictures, fun music and farmanimal sound effects!
1st Games Kids Trucks and Cars 1.1
1st Games Kids Trucks and Cars!In this ad-free game, kids can play with cars, trucks,buses,vans, and beyond!. Play with adorable your favorite vehiclesandhave fun! Young kids can enjoy assembling can and truckpuzzleswithout the danger of clicking on ads or in-app purchases.Thereare 25 fun vehicle puzzles to choose from!This kids cars and trucks game is ideal for preschoolandkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5,and6.Each vehicle game has 9 pieces to be matched to show acar,truck, or other vehicle picture.Not only are these truck and car games fun and educational,theyare also parent and kid friendly:+ Each car and truck puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and matching games for kids help improvehand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills,problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting smallgoals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them.Kids learnwhile they play!If you enjoy 1st Games Kids Trucks and Cars, you mightalsoenjoy:+1st Games Kids Counting Game+1st Kids Matching Game+1st Games Kids Kitten Puzzles+1st Games Construction Trucks Game+1st Games Kids Puppy & Dog Puzzles+1st Games Kids Farm Puzzles+1st Games Pet Animals for Kids+1st Games Cute Ponies and Foals1st Games help give kids a head start on shapes, counting,andnumbers! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and childrenofall ages to use, 1st Games Trucks and Cars for Kids teach withbigrigs, sports cars, double-decker buses, van, bus, vintagecars,18-wheelers, and more!
Aah! Cats Sliding Block Puzzle 1.0
Aah! Games for All - Cats Sliding Block Puzzleis a free slide puzzle for kids and adults. Twenty adorable kittenand cat puzzles are included! A classic sliding tile game offifteen squares, the sliding puzzles can be played at threedifficulty levels:Easy slide puzzle mode: 3 x 3 puzzle blocksMedium slide puzzle mode: 4 x 4 puzzle blocksBoss slide puzzle mode: 5 x 5 puzzle blocks*Additional Settings:- Easily switch to the next cat puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of background music and cute cat sounds can beadjusted independently, making this slide puzzle great for travelor long car rides!This brain and puzzle game not only provides entertainment andfun, but also helps to sharpen the ability to focus, cognition, andproblem-solving skills.Aah! Games for All Cats Sliding Block Puzzle is a great free gamefor kids and adults. With plenty of cute kittens and cats to choosefrom, you or your child can enjoy the challenge as you slide thepuzzle blocks into place to create 20 adorable cats!* Available on select puzzles only
Aaron's kids underwater puzzle 1.0.1
If you like fish, turtles, mermaids and oceanlife, then this is your game!Aaron's underwater puzzle game for children ages 2-6 years.Every puzzle can be played at two difficulty levels- Level 1 = for younger children- Level 2 = for older children, the pieces have to be rotatedcorrectlyThis brain and puzzle game not only provides entertainment andfun, but also stimulates patience and the ability to focus:including cognitive abilities, recognition of shapes as well aseye-hand coordination.You can customize the number of pieces to fit the child’s age, sothat the puzzle matches your child’s ability. The difficulty levelsallow for additional flexibility to keep kids interested as theygrow.You can easily switch the subject of the puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.Settings:- Select the difficulty level settings- Choose the difficulty level- The volume of background music and sounds can even be adjustedindependently making this puzzle great for travel or long carrides.Aaron's puzzle belongs to the group of learning games thatenhance your child's ability to concentrate and his or her finemotor skills.Aaron's kids underwater puzzle game was developed for Androidtablets.The free kids puzzle offers a simple and intuitive interface foreasy use and basic games. It was developed specifically fortoddlers and young kids.
Aaron's sleep well for kids 1.0
All must go to bed in order to sleep well. Notonly the children, even the pets like dog or cat to sleep. Only thewolf remains awake and howling at night.This puzzle-game not only provides entertainment and fun, butalso stimulates patience and the ability to focus includingcognitive abilities, recognition of shapes as well as eye-handcoordination.Depending on age choosing the proper count of pieces isimportant so the puzzle is not too hard or not getting boring toofast. For this reason Aaron's puzzles have two difficultylevels.The free kids puzzle offers a simple and intuitive interface foreasy use and easy games. It was developed specifically for toddlersand young kids.Aaron's sleep well for kids puzzle game was developed for Andoidtablets.
Aaron's American Flag Puzzles 1.1.1
Celebrate Independence Day with Aaron’sAmerican Flag Puzzles for Kids and Toddlers!A free game for toddlers and children 2-6, these patrioticpuzzles will take you to backyard barbecues, Independence Dayfireworks over New York City, bald eagles, 4th of July parades, andmore! Aaron’s American Flag Puzzles for Toddlers and Kids lets youadjust the level difficulty setting, so kids can keep playing asthey grow!This free learning puzzle game not only provides entertainment,but also trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children and toddlers- Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of puzzle pieces to match your child’sability.- Easily switch to the next puzzle by tapping on thearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music and sound effects can beadjusted independently, making this puzzle great for travel or as afree kids game for long car rides!Aaron’s American Flag Puzzles for Toddlers and Kids celebrates the4th of July with patriotic images, backgrounds, and flags! From thenoble bald eagle to the friendly toys, these puzzles are jam-packedwith family fun for Independence Day!
Aaron's Kids Adventure Game 1.0
Aaron's Kids Adventure GameAaron's Kids Adventure Game is a free storytelling app adventuregame for toddlers and kids. It's treasure hunt time! The puzzlesreveal the story of a spunky little girl who goes to sleep anddreams. In her dream, she finds herself lost in a forest with atreasure map. She meets a young boy who joins her on her quest. Thetwo meet wild animals, ride in an airship, discover ancientmonuments, cross the enchanted river, and more in their journey tofind the treasure.This free storytelling adventure game lets you adjust the leveldifficulty setting, so kids can keep playing as they grow!This free storytelling app for kids not only providesentertainment, but also trains kids in the ability to focus,including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordination- stimulates imaginationSettings:- Adventure time: Storybook Puzzle Level 1 = for younger childrenand toddlers- Challenge adventure time: Storybook Puzzle Level 2 = for olderchildrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of puzzle pieces to match your child’sability.- Easily switch to the next "chapter" in the story, by selectingthe next puzzle!- The volume of the background music and sound effects can beadjusted independently, making this adventure game great for travelor as a free kids game for long car rides!Aaron’s Kids Adventure Game lets kids create the storybook as theyplay. Your child can be the detective of his or her adventure inthis storytelling app for toddlers and kids!
1st Games Kids Matching Game 1.1
1st Games introduces its Matching Game forKids!In this game, kids can match up to quantities of ten. Learn yournumbers and have fun! By matching groups of numbers, kids createpuzzles, practice counting, and enjoy creating beautiful pictures.There are 25 fun matching games to choose from!This matching game for kids is ideal for preschool andkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each matching game has 9 pieces to be matched to show apicture.Not only are these matching games for kids fun and educational,they are also parent and kid friendly:+ Each puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and matching games for kids help improve hand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting small goals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them. Kids learnabout numbers while they play!Help give kids a head start on numbers, counting, and matchingshapes! ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and children ofall ages to use, 1st Games Matching Game for Kids teaches kidsabout numbers and shapes with cute animals and fun music and soundeffects!
1st Games Kids Under the Sea 1.0
1st Games Kids Under the Sea!In this ad-free game, kids can play with cute sea creatures inan underwater world. Play with adorable turtles, fish, seahorses,sting rays, an octopus, and sand creatures! Young kids can enjoyassembling ocean life puzzles without the danger of clicking on adsor in-app purchases. There are 25 fun underwater puzzles to choosefrom!This kids under the sea game is ideal for preschool andkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each ocean life game has two levels with 4 and 9 pieces to bematched to show a cute fish or underwater animal picture.Not only are these under the sea games fun and educational, theyare also parent and kid friendly:+ Each underwater puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and matching games for kids help improve hand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting small goals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them. Kids learnwhile they play!1st Games help give kids a head start on shapes, counting, andnumbers! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and children ofall ages to use, 1st Games Kids Under the Sea Puzzles teach withcute underwater pictures, fun music and sound effects!
1st Games Cat Puzzles for Kids 1.1
1st Games Cat Puzzles for KidsIn this ad-free game, kids can play with cute kittenpuzzles.Play with adorable kittens and have fun! Young kids canenjoyassembling kitten puzzles without the danger of clicking onads orin-app purchases. There are 25 fun cat puzzles to choosefrom!This kitten game for kids is ideal for preschoolandkindergarteners, particularly toddlers and kids aged 3, 4, 5,and6.Each cat puzzle has 9 pieces to be matched to show a cutekittenpicture.Not only are these cat puzzles fun and educational, they arealsoparent and kid friendly:+ Each cat puzzle has NO ads in it.+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and learning games for kids help improvehand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills,problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting smallgoals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them.Kids learnwhile they play with adorable kitties!1st Games help give kids a head start on shapes, counting,andnumbers! Ad-free, link-free, and safe for toddlers and childrenofall ages to use, 1st Games Cat Puzzles for Kids teach with cutecatpictures, fun music and kitty sound effects!
Aah! Games Free Horse Puzzles 1.1.1
Aah! Games for All Free Horse PuzzlesThis is a set of free horse slide puzzles for kids and adults.Aclassic sliding tile game of fifteen squares, each slidingpuzzlecan be played at two difficulty levels to assemble beautifulhorsepictures:Saddle Up! - Easy slide puzzle mode: 3 x 3 puzzle blocksSteady Canter! - Medium slide puzzle mode: 4 x 4 puzzleblocksGallop Like the Wind! - Boss slide puzzle mode: 5 x 5puzzleblocksAdditional Settings:- Easily switch to the next horse puzzle by tapping onthearrow-buttons.- The volume of background music and horse sounds can be adjustedoneach horse puzzle independently, making these slide puzzlesgreatfor travel or long car rides!This horse game not only provides entertainment and fun, butalsohelps to sharpen the ability to focus, cognition,andproblem-solving skills.Aah! Games for All Horses Slide Puzzle is a great free game forkidsand adults. With plenty of horse pictures to choose from, youoryour child can enjoy the challenge as you slide the puzzleblocksinto place to create several different horses!
Impfkarte 1.1
Schutzimpfungen sind in jedem Alterenormwichtig. Der alte Impfpass ist jedoch unhandlich, kaumverständlichund vor allem unübersichtlich. Mit der von mirentwickeltenImpfkarte inklusive Impf-App haben Sie immer einenaktuellenÜberblick über Ihren kompletten Impfstatus inverständlicher Formmit automatischer Impferinnerung.Einfach über www.impfkarte.de anmelden. Dort werdenihrepersönlichen Angaben zu Ihrem Impfstatus und ihrevorhandenenImpfdokumente analysiert, zusammengefasst und eineImpfempfehlungabgeleitet. Danach entscheiden Sie, welche Impfungenbei IhremHausarzt durchgeführt werden sollen. Abschließend erstelleich dieImpfkarte bzw. die Impf-App mit ihrem aktuellenImpfstatus.Sie ist auch als Notfallausweis nutzbar.Wenn Sie nur die Impf-App bestellen, kostet das 10€.Beizusätzlicher Bestellung der Impfkarte in Scheckkartenformat(+App)kostet die Impfkarte mit Versand 26,16 €. PrivateKrankenkassenübernehmen die Kosten der Impfkarte.Aktualisierungen ihrer persönlichen Daten sind einfachundkostenlos jederzeit durch den Nutzer Passwort geschütztmöglich.Aktualisierungen des Impfstatus sind selten und können aberausHaftungsgründen nur von uns durchgeführt werden. Dann wirdeineGebühr von 5€ berechnet.© 2016 Dr. med. Alexander LorscheidtImpressum:http://www.impfkarte.de/01integer/WebObjects/IKCMS.woa/1/wa/DirectoryWithId/AC05-F4250-1A36.htmlVaccinations areveryimportant at any age. The old vaccination certificate ishoweverunwieldy, difficult to understand and especially confusing.Withthat I have developed Vaccine Cold Chain including vaccinationappyou always have a current overview of your complete vaccinationinan intelligible form with automatic vaccination reminder.Just log on www.impfkarte.de. There their personalinformationwill be analyzed to your vaccination status and theirexistingImpfdokumente, summarized and derived a vaccinationrecommendation.Then you decide what vaccinations are to be carriedout at your GP.Finally, I make the Vaccine Cold Chain or thevaccination app withtheir current immunization status.They can also be used as an emergency card.If you only order the vaccination app will cost € 10.Foradditional ordering the Vaccine Cold Chain in credit card format(+app), the Vaccine Cold Chain costs with shipping € 26.16.Privatehealth insurance companies cover the cost of the VaccineColdChain.Updates to their personal data are protected easily and freeatany time by the user password possible. Updates of thevaccinationare rare and but can be carried out for reasons ofliability onlyby us. Then a charge of € 5 will be charged.© 2016 Dr. med. Alexander LorscheidtContacts:http://www.impfkarte.de/01integer/WebObjects/IKCMS.woa/1/wa/DirectoryWithId/AC05-F4250-1A36.html
Aaron's construction vehicles 1.1
This kids games with constructionvehicles,contains 15 puzzle motifs.Large excavator or small wheel loader, caterpillars,digger,bulldozers or trucks all work diligently on the site. Helpto buildthe city.This puzzle-game not only provides entertainment and fun,butalso stimulates patience and the ability to focusincludingcognitive abilities, recognition of shapes as well aseye-handcoordination.Depending on age choosing the proper count of pieces isimportantso the puzzle is not too hard or not gets boring toofast. For thisreason, Aaron's puzzles have two difficultylevels.Features:+ Easy and suitable for children to use+ Puzzles are always arranged randomly+ fun for children by matching construction sounds+ 15 free motifs of construction vehicles are included(excavators,digger, loaders, trucks, bulldozer, etc.)+ No in-app purchases possible!+ Different difficulty levels for kids, toddlers andbabiesadjustable+ made for tabletsPuzzle the machines for the construction of the cityImpressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's cars and trucks puzzle 1.0
The Aaron's cars and trucks puzzle for kidsandtoddlers offers 15 vehicle designs with funny face cars.The car and truck puzzle pieces are always rearrangeddifferentlyto keep it interesting and exciting.By choosing the level, the puzzle game can be adapted tothechild's age.Level 1 = the puzzle pieces have to be brought into thecorrectposition.Level 2 = on top of that the puzzle pieces must also to berotatedwith two fingers.This is a good training for cognitive skills, patternrecognitionand eye-hand coordination. Puzzles belong to theeducational gamesthat enhance concentration and fine motor skills.Great for long carrides!This cars and trucks puzzle for toddlers and kids offers asimpleand intuitive interface for easy use and easy games. Itwasdeveloped specifically for young children.Features:+ Easy and suitable for children to use+ Car and Truck puzzles are always arranged randomly+ fun for children by matching realistic car and truck sounds+ 15 different free puzzles for kids with cars and trucks motifsareincluded (sports cars, classic cars, police car, vans andothervehicles)+ No in-app purchases possible!+ Different difficulty levels for kids, toddlers, andbabiesadjustable+ Made for tabletsIf you like Aaron’s Cars and Trucks Puzzle for Toddlers andKids,you may also enjoy these additional free puzzle games fortoddlersand kids:-Aaron’s Kids Dinosaur Puzzle-Aaron’s Construction Vehicles Puzzle-Aaron’s Sleep Well for Kids Puzzle-Aaron’s Wild Animals Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Underwater Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Tiny Robots Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Dragon Puzzle-Aaron’s Kids Playground Puzzle-Aaron’s Silly Circus Puzzle-Aaron’s Farm Animals Puzzle for Kids-Aaron’s Farm Animals Puzzle for Toddlers…And many more!Aaron's cars and trucks puzzle game for kids was developedforAndroid tablets.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's Beach Puzzles for Kids 1.0
Aaron's Beach Puzzle for KidsGrab your sunglasses and head to the beach! This free beachtimepuzzle game for toddlers and children has many differentbeachpuzzle motifs- such as diving, swimming, snorkeling,sunbathing,building sandcastles, and many other fun activitiesaround thebeach. Even animals such as cute dogs, friendly turtlesand funnyfish are included.Surf's up! This free beach game is one in the series ofAaron'sKids Games, with many children's puzzle gamesalreadypublished.This free Android app is made ​​for tablets. The number ofpiecesis adjustable. The difficulty can be adjusted by additionalrotationof the puzzle pieces to match the child's age. Thus, thegame issuitable for children aged 2, 3 , 4, 5 or 6 years.Features:+ Easy and suitable for children to use+ Puzzles are always arranged randomly+ Matching sounds add to the fun for children (beach sounds,waves,ocean, water, bubbles, etc.)+ 15 free beach motifs are included in the puzzle app(swimming,turtles, fish, snorkeling, diving, tubing, sunbathing,andmore!)+ No in-app purchases possible! Child safe!+ Different puzzle difficulty levels for toddlers andbabies,adjustable to the age of your child.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's kids bathing pet games 1.0
Aaron's kids bathing pet games.Rub a dub, it’s bathtub time! Now you can put all the funofbathing pet games for your toddler onto your tablet forfree.Everyone loves to take a bath, and now your child can play forfreewith 15 free cute animal puzzles (including baby animals,anelephant and cute mouse, a piglet, cute dogs, a bathtub kitty,cutepuppies, baby elephant, and more!)The free bathing pet games puzzles offer a simple andintuitiveinterface for easy use and easy games. It wasdevelopedspecifically for toddlers and young kids. This freebathing petgames is one in the series of Aaron's Kids Games, withmanychildren's puzzle games already published. This bathtub gamenotonly provides entertainment, but also trains kids in the abilitytofocus, including:+ cognitive abilities+ shape recognition+ hand-eye coordinationFeatures:+ Easy and suitable for toddlers and children to use+ Bath time puzzles are always arranged randomly+ Matching sounds add to the bath time fun for children(bubblesounds, splashing, cute animal sounds, water soundeffects.)+ 15 free bath time puzzles are included in the app (includingahappy baby, baby animals, an elephant and cute mouse, apiglet,cute dogs, a bathtub kitty, cute puppies, babyelephant)+ No in-app purchases possible! Child safe!+ Different puzzle difficulty levels for toddlers andkids,adjustable to the age of your child.+Suitable for ages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6This free bath time game for kids Android app was developedfortablets.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's Cute Zoo Cubs Puzzles 1.0
Aaron's Cute Zoo Cubs Puzzles for ToddlersandKidsThese baby animals in the zoo puzzles for kids offers 15cutedesigns of small animals, such as a penguin, lion,crocodile,giraffe, zebra, panda bear and many more!Children's zoo puzzles for kids aged 3 to 7 years.The kids puzzle offers a simple and intuitive interface foreasyuse and easy games. It was developed specifically for toddlersandyoung kids.Aaron's Cute Zoo Cubs for Toddlers puzzle game was developedforAndroid tablets.Features:+ Easy and suitable for children to use+ animal puzzles are always arranged randomly+ fun for children by matching animal sounds in the zoo+ 15 free designs of baby animals are included (lion,zebra,giraffe, monkey, penguin, crocodile, panda, elephant,ndmore!)+ No in-app purchases possible!+ Different difficulty levels for toddlers and babiesadjustable.Suitable for children ages 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.+ made for Android tablets as part of Aaron's Kids Games,anestablished series of puzzles and games for kidsImpressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Autogenic Training & PMR 1.0.0
Autogenic Training and ProgressiveMuscleRelaxation - Guided Rest and Meditation TechniquesThis app contains five soothing relaxation exercises based onthemost proven methods:- Autogenic relaxation. This relaxation is 11 minutes longandhelps you to relax your whole body by imagining that each partofyour body is warm and heavy.Enjoy this wonderful relaxation and its calming effect.- A guided progressive muscle relaxation. This relaxation is15minutes long and helps you to relax your whole body by tensingandrelaxing your muscles one by one. Enjoy this wonderfulrelaxationand feel the reduction of your whole body tension.- Chakra Meditation. This exercise is about 9 min longandutilizes the power of colors to bring comfort and new strengthintoyou body.- Relaxation Exercise for Breathing. This exercise is about 9minand helps you to adjust your breath. Healthy breathing isthefoundation of vitality and happiness.- Dreamscape "Favorite Place". Take a refreshing break fromyourstressful live with this exercise.Following these exercises regularly will greatly improveyourvitality, health and overall happiness. Listen to ClaudiavonLienen's comforting voice as she leads you back to yourinnercenter. Each session will be a true treat.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's Farm Puzzle 4 Toddlers 1.1
Aaron’s Farm Puzzle 4 Toddlers is a freefarmgame for toddlers and children 2-6.Sing along to "Old MacDonald had a Farm", build a tractor,tendthe horses, pick pumpkins, meet the barn cat, play withthechickens, harvest cranky carrots, play with farm animals, andmore!Aaron’s Farm Puzzle 4 Toddlers lets you adjust the leveldifficultysetting, so toddlers can keep playing as they grow!This free educational puzzle farm game not onlyprovidesentertainment, but also trains kids in the ability tofocus,including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationSettings:- Farm Puzzle Level 1 = for younger children- Farm Puzzle Level 2 = for older childrenAdditional Settings:- Customize the number of farm animal puzzle pieces to matchyourchild’s ability.- Easily switch to the next farm puzzle by tapping onthearrow-buttons.- The volume of the background music (including "Old McDonald HadaFarm" and others!), farm sounds, and animal sounds can beadjustedindependently, making this puzzle great for travel or as afreekids game for long car rides!Aaron’s Free Farm Puzzle for Kids and Toddlers covers everythingona farm from the barn with cows, to sheep, pigs, donkeys, etc.Letyour toddler be a farm hero of their own, by putting togetherallthe pieces!Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's cute cats for toddlers 1.0
Aaron's cute cats for toddlers puzzlegame.This free funny pets puzzles for kids contains 15 young kitten andsweet little cats cartoons pictures that invite kids to play.The number of pieces is adjustable. The difficulty can beadjusted by additional rotation of the puzzle pieces to the child'sage . Thus, the game is suitable for children aged 2, 3 , 4, 5 or 6years.Aaron's cute cats kids puzzle games offer a simple and intuitiveinterface for easy use and easy games. The puzzle was designedspecifically for toddlers.Aaron's cute cats for toddlers puzzle games belong to the groupof educational games to promote concentration and fine motorskills.The Aaron's cute cats for toddlers HD puzzle was developed forAndoid tablets.Come and say hello to kitty and all other sweet kitten.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's kids unicorns puzzles 1.0
Aaron's unicorns and Pegasus puzzles forkidsis a cute unicorns -themed puzzle game for children of agebetween2 - 7 years.The unicorn is a legendary animal. A horse with aspiralinghorn.Pegasus is a mythological creatures in Greek mythology. He isawinged horse.- Every puzzle can be played at two difficulty levelsLevel 1 = for younger childrenLevel 2 = for older children, the pieces have to berotatedcorrectlyThis kids easy puzzle-game not only provides entertainmentandfun, but also stimulates patience and the ability tofocusincluding cognitive abilities, recognition of shapes as wellaseye-hand coordination.Depending on age choosing the proper count of pieces isimportantso the puzzle is not too hard or not getting boring toofast. Forthis reason Aaron's puzzles have two difficultylevels.You can switch the motives of the unicorn puzzle games bytappingon the arrow-buttons.Settings:- select the difficulty levelsettings- Choose the difficulty level- The volume of background music and sounds can beadjustedindependently so parent don't have to suffer too much;-)Aaron's free unicorn puzzle games for kids belongs to the groupoflearning games to enhance your child's ability to concentrateandit's fine motor skills.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aarons "When I Grow Up" Puzzle 1.0
Aaron's "When I Grow Up" PuzzleforPreschoolersYour preschooler can check out all his or her favorite jobswiththese fun free puzzles for toddlers and young kids! Choosefromoccupations like a cowboy, pirate, policeman, pilot,doctor,fireman, builder, astronaut, and many more exciting jobs asa freepuzzle game for kids and toddlers.The number of pieces is adjustable. The difficulty canbeadjusted by additional rotation of the puzzle pieces to thechild'sage. Thus, the game is suitable for children aged 2, 3 , 4,5 or 6years.Aaron's kids and toddlers games offer a simple andintuitiveinterface for easy use. This free jobs puzzle wasdesignedspecifically for toddlers and young children.Aaron's kids and toddlers "When I Grow Up" Jobs Puzzleforpreschool games belong to the group of educational games topromoteconcentration and fine motor skills.The Aaron's "When I Grow Up" Occupations Puzzle for toddlerswasdeveloped for Android tablets.Features:+ Easy and suitable for children to use+ puzzles are always arranged randomly+ fun for children by matching sounds+ 15 free occupation puzzles are included (choose from a rangeofjobs like: fireman, policeman, doctor, astronaut,farmer,construction worker, cowboy, pirate, etc.)+ No in-app purchases possible! Child-safe.+ Different difficulty levels for toddlers and babiesadjustableImpressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aarons wild animals puzzle 1.0
Discover on safari 15 wild animals in Aaron'sWild Animal Puzzle game for Children! A free kids game, your youngexplorer will put together lions in the savanna and bears in theforest, elephants and giraffes in Africa and gorillas in thejungle. Do you find the crazy kangaroo?The free wild life tablet app is in a group of children playedgames starting about 3 years and is in German or English.The number of pieces is adjustable. The difficulty can beadjusted by additional rotation of the puzzle pieces to the child'sage . Thus, the game is suitable for children aged 2, 3 , 4, 5 or 6years.The children's puzzle is accompanied for the full game with amatching sound collage with wild animal sound , of course, thevolume separately from the actual game sounds adjustable.Aaron `s kids games offer a simple and intuitive interface foreasy use and easy games. The easy animal puzzle was designedspecifically for toddlers.The free animal puzzle game is not only employment and fun , butit also promotes patience and concentration , including thecognitive skills , pattern recognition and eye -hand coordination.Aaron 's wild animals puzzle games belong to the group ofeducational games to promote concentration and fine motorskills.The Aaron's wild animals puzzle HD puzzle for kids was developedfor Andoid tablets.Aarons wild animals puzzle app is the ultimate free and easyanimal puzzles for toddlers and kids preschool. With wild animalpictures, nice elephants, uncle bears, wild tigers, crazy kangaroo,zebra, lion, etc.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aarons Kids Easter Puzzle Game 1.0
Aaron's Kids Easter Puzzle GameHere comes the Easter Bunny! Easter eggs hunts, Eastereggpainting, Bunnies, baby chicks, baby lambs, butterflies, andeventhe stork are getting excited for Easter.The free Easter puzzles offer a simple and intuitiveinterfacefor easy use and easy games. It was developed specificallyfortoddlers and young kids. This free Easter game is one in theseriesof Aaron's Kids Games, with many children's puzzle gamesalreadypublished. This Easter game not only provides entertainment,butalso trains kids in the ability to focus, including:- cognitive abilities- shape recognition- hand-eye coordinationFeatures:+ Easy and suitable for toddlers and children to use+ Easter puzzles are always arranged randomly+ Matching sounds add to the spring and Easter fun forchildren(bunnies, sheep, birds, Easter eggs, springtime sounds,andbackground music)+ 15 free Easter puzzles are included in the app (includinganEaster bunny decorating Easter eggs, Easter egg painting,Easterbaskets, baby lamb, Easter egg hunt, chocolate Easterbunny,butterlflies, the stork, a toddler playing with baby bunny,andmore!)+ No in-app purchases possible! Child safe!+ Different puzzle difficulty levels for toddlers andkids,adjustable to the age of your child.+Suitable for ages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
1st Games Construction Trucks 1.1
1st Games Construction Trucks GameforToddlers!In this ad-free game, kids can play with construction trucksandheavy equipment. Play with construction trucks and have fun!Youngkids nd toddlers can enjoy assembling construction truckspuzzleswithout the danger of clicking on ads or in-app purchases.Thereare 25 fun construction truck puzzles to choose from!This Construction Trucks game for toddlers is ideal forpreschooland kindergarteners, particularly kids aged 3, 4, 5, and6.Each construction trucks game has two levels to showaconstruction trucks picture.Not only are these construction trucks games fun andeducational,they are also parent and kid friendly:+ Each construction trucks puzzle has NO ADs in it, AD-FREE!+ There are NO links to other products or websites in the app+ And there are NO In-App-Purchase possible.Puzzles and learning games for kids help improvehand-eyecoordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills,problemsolving skills, shape recognition, memory, setting smallgoals, andenhance a child's awareness of the world around them.Kids learnwhile they play!Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint
Aaron's Kids Winter and Snow 2
Aaron's Kids Winter and Snow Puzzle for KidsThis kids' puzzle is full of winter and snow, with snowballs,iceskating and frosty the snowman.This puzzle-game not only provides entertainment and fun,butalso stimulates patience and the ability to focusincludingcognitive abilities, recognition of shapes as well aseye-handcoordination.Depending on the child's age, choosing the proper count ofpiecesis important so the puzzle is not too hard or too easy. Forthisreason Aaron's Winter and Snow puzzles have twodifficultylevels.The free winter and snow kids puzzle offers a simpleandintuitive interface for easy use and easy games. It wasdevelopedspecifically for toddlers and young kids.Impressum:http://appwonder.net/de/Imprint